
Hi, my name is Wells Westmoreland, and I’m the founder here at Aperture. I’ve worked in digital marketing since 2020, and I founded this agency in 2024.

A lot of digital marketing agencies are for everyone. They offer many different services and serve many different kinds of clients. 

But we only do e-commerce SEO, and we only do it for online cannabis and hemp brands.

But why?

Why we’re focused on cannabis & hemp brands

I took a light interest in the cannabis plant after hearing about how THC helped a family member dying of cancer live his last days relatively pain-free. 

My interest strengthened after I got my first digital marketing client, which happened to be a brick-and-mortar CBD business with an online store.

I saw how their products were helping people achieve a better quality of life. CBD and THC were saving people after the pharmaceutical drugs they’d been prescribed had failed them.

My interest strengthened further when I witnessed how CBD helped the dogs my family fostered who were dealing with medical conditions and physical pain as a result of past neglect and abuse. 

And it strengthened for a third time when I began learning about how pharmaceutical companies manipulate doctors, harm patients, and put profit over people.

Needless to say, I have a firm belief that cannabis and hemp should be federally legal and be a normal, accepted part of people’s lives.

Aperture is the culmination of my belief in the plant and my greatest passion in life: building businesses.

SEO just happens to be the channel I focus on for cannabis and hemp brands, because it’s the most effective.

Why we’re focused on SEO

Since the Farm Bill made hemp-derived CBD and other cannabinoid products federally legal, businesses have been quick to begin selling online. But the normal avenues for e-commerce growth, like paid ads on Google and Facebook, have been largely off-limits due to restrictions — except for brands with the largest budgets.

SEO, then, has become the channel many brands are turning to. But in the past five years, getting results from SEO has become more and more difficult. Between Google introducing search features that take clicks away from organic results and the rise of AI content, only sites that employ robust SEO strategies are able to turn SEO into a significant source of revenue.

I see too many good brands fail at SEO because of bad strategies. Often these bad strategies come from cheap agencies that don’t even understand what they’re doing.

Cannabis and hemp brands deserve better. And that’s why I started Aperture.

About our clients, about the people they’re trying to serve, and about anyone who lands on a piece of content we write or a product page we design. Success is empty unless it involves helping people better themselves. We care about helping you win, so you can help your customers win.

Questions are encouraged, feedback is put to use. You’ll know exactly what we’re doing, why we’re doing it, and why it is or isn’t working, and how we plan to do better. You have to face reality every day in your business; we’re here to face it head-on with you and help you succeed.

No low-quality content, spam, or hacks. Just high-quality content and user experiences that delight the people who interact with them. Because in the long run, if it’s bad, it won’t help you or us.

Ready for SEO that drives real business results for your cannabis brand?